Augmentation Mastopexy Perth
Dr Nathan specialises in breast augmentation mastopexy surgery in Perth. Augmentation Mastopexy is a challenging procedure, essentially combining the two surgeries of a mastopexy and an augmentation.
Augmentation Mastopexy Perth
Breast Augmentation Mastopexy surgery is ideal for women with ptotic (drooping) breasts, who also want an increase in their volume. If there is significant ptosis, then implants alone cannot correct this.
Why do people choose augmentation mastopexy?
- Bring back the height of their breasts
- Reduce asymmetry in nipple height or position
- Achieve larger breast volume
- Achieve larger cleavage
- Decrease areolar size
Risks and possible complications
- Adverse reactions to the anaesthetic medications such as respiratory problems or allergic reactions.
- Infection if the surgical wounds become infected, leading to pain, swelling and potentially implant removal.
- Abnormal scarring of the incision, depending on the individual, keloid scarring can occur.
- Numbness and reduced nipple sensation may occur, although it’s often temporary.
- Slow or delayed wound healing which is often dependent on the individual can prolong recovery.
- Accumulation of blood (haematoma) or fluid (seroma) may require drainage or additional procedures.
- Capsular contracture may develop, causing the breast to feel hard and distorted.
- Post-operative pain, soreness and discomfort are common in the first few weeks after surgery.
- Skin necrosis is rare but can occur if tissues are subject to inadequate blood flow leading to skin death.
- Blood clots in the legs (DVT) or lungs (pulmonary embolism) can form, however preventative measures are taken to reduce risks of this occurring.
- Individuals with pre-existing heart or lung conditions may face higher risks of cardiac and pulmonary complications.
- Allergic reactions can occur to surgical materials and dressings.
- Implant malposition or displacement can occur, resulting in asymmetry or an unnatural appearance. Uneven or asymmetrical results can occur as the breasts may heal differently and in some cases implant edges may be visible through the skin, particularly in thin individuals. Patients may experience emotional changes or dissatisfaction with the results. Over time, natural aging and the effects of gravity can alter breast appearance.
- Augmentation mastopexy surgery may impact on the ability to breastfeed successfully
- Rare and uncommon complications include severe bleeding, nerve damage, infection spreading in the bloodstream (sepsis) or adverse reactions to implants.
Recovery after Breast Augmentation/Mastopexy
- Some discomfort and pain are normal. You will be prescribed pain relief medication.
- Take it easy for the first few days and get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids and eat healthy.
- Compression bra should be worn day and night for the first 6 weeks.
- Swelling and bruising is common and will disappear in the first few weeks
- Capsular contracture may develop, causing the breast to feel hard and distorted.
Ready to see what a difference a breast reduction procedure can make? Then make sure to view our gallery page. If you have any questions or would like to know more about the procedure, contact Dr Stewart today.
Why choose Dr Nathan Stewart?
You need a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr Nathan Stewart in Perth to help reduce your chances of experiencing these dangerous complications. He is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons [FRACS] in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is currently a Consultant Specialist Plastic Surgeon at the Royal Perth Hospital and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. Dr Stewart also consults in Bunbury at Saint John of God Bunbury Specialist Centre. Contact Dr Stewart and his team in Perth today to book a consultation.

Taking care of yourself after surgery
After any kind of breast surgery, it is important you take as much time as you need to rest and recover. You will be provided with a number of information sheets and checklists to prepare you for your recovery, including any symptoms to watch out for and tips to keep you as healthy and comfortable as possible during this time.
Following the procedure, you will likely experience some moderate discomfort, as well as bruising or tenderness. Dr Stewart will discuss your pain medication needs with you and tailor a dosage and schedule to suit your individual circumstances. Most symptoms will settle within 4 – 6 weeks.
Should you have any questions at any time, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr Stewart or the team.