Breast Reduction Bunbury

Dr Nathan specialises in breast reduction surgery, and does consultations Bunbury. In breast reduction surgery, tissue, fat, and skin are removed, and the breast is reshaped. 

Breast Reduction Bunbury

What is breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction involves removing the skin, tissue, and fat from the breast and reshaping. Dr Nathan is a plastic surgeon consulting from Bunbury who specialises in breast reduction surgery. 

Breast reduction surgery was first described in the 7th century. It is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the world, and is also referred to as reduction mammoplasty.


What breast reduction surgery is not

Breast reduction can be confused with other procedures, such as mastectomy and breast augmentation. Breast augmentation involves placing saline or silicone implants in a women’s chest behind the breast tissue. Mastectomy is the removal of one or both breasts, typically a result of cancer.


Who can do breast reduction surgery?

Reduction mammoplasty is popular among women, but men can also have the procedure performed. 

Some indications that a woman may require breast reduction surgery are when:

  • There is constant and troublesome pain in the back, chest, shoulders, or neck.
  • You experience difficulty breathing, performing regular daily activities, or exercising. 
  • Your bra causes ridges on your skin or notching on your shoulder.
  • You struggle to find clothes that fit. 
  • The skin under your breast begins to peel or get irritated.

If breast growth is excessive in men due to gynoecomastia, breast reduction surgery may be part of the treatment. Men who develop sagging breasts from weight loss can also undergo the procedure.



Who cannot do breast reduction surgery?

Patients cannot undergo breast reduction surgery if they do not meet the criteria for elective surgical procedures. Some exclusion criteria include:

  • Smoking and alcohol: properties in cigarettes and tobacco delay healing and increase the changes of necrosis. Alcohol also causes delays in recovery and may negatively affect post-operative pain. 
  • Chronic medical conditions: Those suffering from conditions such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, or hypertension may not qualify for the procedure as they may suffer from intra-operative complications and impaired wound healing


How to prepare for breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction surgery is a major procedure, and patients must ensure they are financially and psychologically prepared. The pre-op consultation with your plastic surgeon may include the following:

  • Medical history: It is important for your surgeon to be aware of your family history of breast cancer, drugs or medication you are currently taking, and medical conditions that may interfere with wound healing
  • Examination: Your breasts will be examined for drooping, symmetry, and masses 
  • Baseline mammogram: It is advised to do a mammogram before and after breast reduction surgery. A pre-op mammogram gives your surgical team a more precise evaluation of your breasts and will help the team determine the best approach to the procedure.
  • Laboratory investigations: Includes blood tests, organ function tests, and electrocardiograms 
  • PLEASE NOTE After July 1st 2023 a referral is required for all cosmetic consultations from your GP


What happens during breast reduction surgery?

A typical breast reduction surgery involves the following steps:

  • Anaesthesia: Anaesthetists use drugs to cause a temporary loss of sensation or awareness and help you feel less pain. Cosmetic surgery of this scale usually requires general anaesthesia to put you to sleep during the entire duration of the surgery.
  • Incision: Your surgeon will examine your breasts closely and use a marker to outline incision patterns on your breasts. The choice of incision pattern depends on the size of the breasts, the position of your nipples and your surgeon’s judgement.
  • Tissue removal: This is where the actual breast reduction occurs, and techniques used include:
  • Liposuction involves suctioning fat from the breast, especially in older people whose breasts have more fatty tissue. It is the least invasive method, causes minimal scarring and does not alter the breast shape or areola location.
  • Vertical breast reduction: An incision is made at the areola and another from the lower end of the areola down to the underlying skinfold. Fat and glandular tissue is subsequently removed.
  • Anchor breast reduction: A verticial incision is made, and other incision is made underneath the breast crease to create an inverted T shape incision. This requires extensive removal of breast tissue and is the best option for breasts that are sagging significantly.
  • Nipple repositioning: The nipple is shifted to a good position relative to the rest of the breast while still connected to its blood and nerve supply. Women with huge breasts may need an additional procedure called free nipple graft. The incision edges are apposed and sutured appropriately.




What to expect following surgery

You may be ready to go home a few hours after surgery, however, complete recovery may take two to six weeks. Your surgeon may place drains at their discretion, and you will be provided with self-care instructions and medications in order to facilitate wound healing and prevent postoperative complications. You may near to wear an non-wired sports bra for support, and you will need to get lots of rest, and avoid heavy exercise and strenuous work.


What are the associated risks?

There are minimal risks associated with breast reduction surgery. 

Some possible risks associated with reduction mammoplasty include:

  • Scarring after healing of incision sites. 
  • Allergic reaction to anaesthetic agents.
  • Loss of sensation in the breasts.
  • Infection of the incision site.
  • Breast swelling from blood or fluid accumulation.


Book an appointment with Dr Nathan Stewart

Choosing the right plastic surgeon can be the most critical choice you make in your cosmetic surgery journey. Dr Nathan Stewart is a board-certified Consultant Specialist Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon in Perth. He is a rare blend of sound technical knowledge, artistic flair and empathetic listening to give you the best service. Dr Nathan Stewart currently consults as a specialist plastic surgeon in Perth at Royal Perth Hospital, and Sir Charlies Gairdner Hospital, and in Bunbury at Saint John of God Bunbury Hospital. Book an appointment with Dr Stewart and his team in Bunbury today to begin planning your journey!

Breast reduction FAQs

What is breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery (also known as reduction mammoplasty) is a cosmetic procedure to remove glandular tissue, excess fat, and skin from the breasts in order to reduce their size, alter their shape and lift the breast.

Who is a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?

A good candidate for breast reduction surgery is an individual who is in good health, and experiences physical or emotional discomfort due to the size of their breasts.

How long does the recovery from breast reduction surgery take?

The length of a recovery period varies for each individual. In most cases, patients can resume regular activities within two to four weeks, and can resume exercise after six weeks.

Will I have a scar after breast reduction surgery?

Yes, breast reduction surgery will result in a scar. The incisions made in the surgery are located below the breast, around the areola, and vertically down the centre of the breast.

Is breast reduction surgery painful?

Patients will receive general anesthesia during breast reduction surgery. There may be some discomfort and pain during the recovery period, which can be managed with prescribed medications.

How will breast reduction surgery affect my ability to breastfeed?

There may be an affect on breastfeeding after Breast Reduction Surgery. This depends on the technique used and how much tissue is removed from the breast. Discussing breastfeeding plans with Dr Stewart during your consultation is very important.

Will I lose sensation in my nipples after breast reduction surgery?

You may experience tempopary nipple sensation loss after your breast reduction surgery. This typically returns between a few weeks to a few months post surgery, and there are some cases where nipple sensation is lost permanently. Your surgeon will discuss the risks with you prior to your procedure.

Will my insurance cover breast reduction surgery?

Insurance may cover breast reduction surgery in some cases where patients experience physical discomort and or health problems caused by large breasts, and it is deemed medically necessary. Be sure to check with your insurance provider for their specific coverage policies.

Taking care of yourself after surgery

After any kind of breast surgery, it is important you take as much time as you need to rest and recover. You will be provided with a number of information sheets and checklists to prepare you for your recovery, including any symptoms to watch out for and tips to keep you as healthy and comfortable as possible during this time. 

Following the procedure, you will likely experience some moderate discomfort, as well as bruising or tenderness. Dr Stewart will discuss your pain medication needs with you and tailor a dosage and schedule to suit your individual circumstances. Most symptoms will settle within 4 – 6 weeks. 

Should you have any questions at any time, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr Stewart or the team.